Sketching Stamford with Karen Neale 10am - 12.30pm, email karen@karenneale.co.uk 07710406967 £15 per session
Art with Heather Harrison 1.30pm - 4pm Email heatherlindaharrison@gmail.com
Stamford Dance Academy www.pzazzdanceacademy.co.uk
Electric Jive Dance www.electricjive.co.uk
Wildcats Theatre School www.wildcatstheatre.co.uk
Drawing from Life Portraiture with Mike Alabaster - Tuesday afternoons 1.30pm to 4pm.
Places are limited ring Mike to book 01780 763806
Ballroom & Latin American Dancing with Ann Gibbons www.anngibbonsdance.co.uk
7.00 to 7.45pm Adult Beginners/Refresher
8.00 to 8.45pm Adult Intermediate/Advanced
For further information and to book you session please contact Ann: ann@anngibbonsdance.co.uk
Yoga with Nicky Hayes - Tue 10am & Wed 7.30pm www.nickyhayesyoga.co.uk
Painting and Drawing with Tim Beasley 10am - 4pm (2 Sessions) Email smcfoundry@yahoo.co.uk Tel 07453 993340
Sculpture Class with Jonty Meyer 7pm - 9.30pm Email jonty@jontymeyer.com 07799048841
Yoga with Nicky Hayes - Tue 10am & Wed 7.30pm www.nickyhayesyoga.co.uk
Drolma Meditation 1pm to 2pm
Paul Crewe Art Classes 1.30pm to 4pm Email pacrewe@yahoo.uk 07540075764
Life Drawing with Mike Alabaster - 7.30pm to 10pm - Ring Mike to book 01780 763806
Woven Chords Community Choir - Thursdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Our 60 strong mixed voice community choir that sings unaccompanied harmony songs from around the world. All songs are taught by ear in an informal and friendly setting. To register your interest and further details, please contact info@wovenchords.com
Sculpture with Jonty Meyer 10am - 12.30pm or 1.30pm - 4pm Email jonty@jontymeyer.com 07799048841
Contact the tutors direct for more information
Fri 25 Jul
Join Hannah Peacock for a fun and creative Nature day at Stamford Arts Centre on...
Fri 25 Jul
Join Hannah Peacock for a fun and creative Nature day at Stamford Arts Centre on...
Sat 10 May
Join Stamford based artisan metalsmith Shalini Austin for a fun workshop and mak...
Fri 25 Jul
Join Hannah Peacock for a fun and creative Nature day at Stamford Arts Centre on...
Fri 11 Apr, Fri 6 Jun, Fri 1 Aug & Fri 3 Oct
Sally will create a soundscape using light percussion instruments and gongs. Important: Please bring a thick...
Fri 15 Aug
Join our facilitator Hannah Peacock for a creative craft morning to get back int...
Tues 15 Apr
Get ready for a space-tacular adventure! Hop into WonderDome and blast off into...
Thurs 17 Apr
This Easter, join Stamford Arts Centre for a creative and colourful craft morning with arts facilitator Hannah...