The tale of Reynard the Fox follows the woodland’s most infamous scoundrel who prides himself on being the trickster of the forest. But when the Woodland Court announces the theft of the King’s Crown Jewels, the animal kingdom immediately blame the fox. Reynard must do everything he can to prove his innocence and avoid certain death, as well as maintaining his devious persona. Will the gift of his silver tongue be a shade too bright against his roguish red fur to save his own tail?
Reynard the Fox is an engaging theatre show for family audiences of all ages, using The Fabularium’s unique aesthetic, strong imagery and all performed upon their traditional wooden cart, featuring storytelling, puppetry, original live music and their bespoke animal headpieces.
Why not join us for our preshow craft workshop too? Colour some of the shows characters, make your own 2D forest and create a Reynard the fox mask! Click here for more information
Important Information
Venue: Stamford Arts Centre, Theatre
Tickets: £8 (£6 concessions) £24 Family of 4
Running Time: 1 hour
Suitable for all ages
Babes in arms/lap tickets are £1 and can be purchased from box office only. Click here for terms and conditions
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