Five artists, One Unforgettable Journey: Supporting, Inspiring, and Creating Together.
This show is a chance to see the newest work of 5 exciting local contemporary artists, a group of friends who have shared and encouraged each other’s art journeys, and found joy in the power of community. The work is bold and colourful, with textual, floral, still-life and landscape themes. There will be opportunities to meet the artists during a launch event on Saturday 14th June 12-5pm, plus days during the show when they will be working in the gallery space.
Jackie Cheetham - https://jackiecheethamartist.com
Gill Edwards - https://gilledwardsstudio.com
Carly Gilliatt - https://www.carlygilliatt.com
Joy Gosney - https://www.joygosney.co.uk
Sue Johnson - https://johnsonstudio.co.uk
Tues 25 Mar - Thurs 10 Apr
CHRISTOPHER GROOMBRIDGE – SCULPTOR. Artist’s Biography: I am a Rutland based sculptor, but was born and grew...
Mon 14 Apr - Sat 3 May
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Wed 28 May - Sat 7 Jun
“ A Spark of Curiousity” is the intriguing title to the new exhibition being staged by Tinwell Art Group. Twe...
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